Northeast HVAC
ABR Service & Training Coordinator, David
Acciari Awarded the Rheem DSC of the Year Territory 2 for 2021.
Wholesalers Inc. is proud to announce David Acciari earning the
DSC of the Year Territory 2 for 2021. The second award in five
years. This is due to the dedication and hard work of David who
provides value and trust to our Rheem contracting partners.
Including the help and support from our Rheem representatives.

From left to right, Dave Fletcher,
Rheem District Technical Representative,
David Acciari, ABR Service & Training Coordinator,
Adam Schuster, Rheem Regional Support Manager.
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Rheem gauges district
service coordinators performance from several measurements. These
measurements include hours of training, reduction of warranty
claims, reduction in warranty replacement units, response times to
customer complaints with Rheem's service center, helping project
engineers to solve any production issues and writing up service
reports to submit to the factory and rectify production issues.
Congratulations David on this wonderful achievement.
About ABR Wholesalers
Founded in 1966, ABR Wholesalers, Inc. is a family-owned wholesale
distributor of Heating, Air-Conditioning, Ventilation, Hydronics and
other great products. We have 50+ knowledgeable employees ready to
help and serve your business needs. For more information visit
Wholesalers Inc.